
GovCracker is a decryption software designed for law enforcement agencies, universities, IT forensics companies and law firms. It can decrypt encryptions such as VeraCrypt, Bitlocker or Bitcoin wallets. GovCracker is considered one of the fastest decryption software in the world.

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Get a quick overview of the core functions of GovCracker here.

GovCracker Hash Algorithmen


More than 450 different hash algorithms are supported, including more than 30 hash algorithms for cryptocurrency wallets.

GovCracker Hash Extraction


GovCracker automatically installs the free & open source tool “GovTools“, which was also developed by us. This can be used to extract password hashes.

GovCracker Special Features

Special features

GovCracker has been developed in such a way that even investigators without much prior knowledge of decryption can work with it successfully.

From investigators, for investigators

GovCracker helps law enforcement officers from all over the world. It is a tool created by and for law enforcement officers. We help you to decrypt important IT evidence in criminal cases.

GovCracker is for law enforcement officers from all over the world - Decrypta Technologies
Sascha Lüdtke - Decrypta Technologies 256x256
Sascha Lüdtke
Dipl.-Ing., Management

“The backbone of our success is the expertise of our team members, who have years of experience in IT, IT forensics and law enforcement.”

Robert Skibbe Full Stack Developer
Robert Skibbe,
Full Stack Developer

“For many years, passionate software development has been an essential part of my life. I am delighted to be able to make my expertise available to Decrypta Technologies GmbH from now on. Together for the right thing!”

Why GovCracker?


GovCracker is the result of our vision – an innovative software solution for law enforcement agencies.


Our team of dedicated IT enthusiasts focuses on the intuitive operation of our software & data protection.


We are driven by the continuous adaptation of our software to the daily challenges of practical use.

Start decryption with GovCracker – today!

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